Transforming lives forever through play

About us and our Mission

Sensoryflex was founded by William Westmancott, an Occupational Therapist with a history of working with some of the most profoundly challenged

neuro divergent young people across Essex.

William has worked in specialist challenging behaviour services. Supporting families to turn around and reduce often dangerous and self-injurious behaviours.

He has also worked as an Occupational Therapist in a leading special school for young people with severe learning disabilities.

More recently, he has worked in a specialist service delivering Occupational Therapy for young people with EHCPs in educational settings as well as writing tribunal assessment reports and appearing as an expert witness in tribunal hearings.

"I am lucky enough to have worked in some of the few NHS services that provide support for sensory issues. 

I love the NHS and the role that it plays; however,

I am frustrated by the chronic lack of funding and support for

young people and families struggling with sensory challenges.

I see countless young people and families struggling and suffering because they, and those around them, haven't been given the support to enable them to cope and thrive."

We specialise in neurodevelopment, sensory processing and play, and the impact that our earliest experiences and movements can have on our sensory processing, behaviour, wellbeing, and long term outcomes.

By tackling the neurodevelopmental root of issues, we can create lifelong positive changes that can transform lives for the better.

Sensory issues can be complex and profoundly challenging, and it can be hard to know what to do and where to start. 

Thankfully, many of the solutions are straightforward and simple.

 Some strategies can improve things straight away; however,

the best approaches tackle the underlying neurodevelopmental issues that cause so much pain, suffering and stress.

It can take time, but it is magical to see someone's life and happiness unfold as they grow in confidence and capabilities.

"Our mission is to create an affordable and accessible service that radically changes lives for the better through excellent, high quality, therapy, courses and products teamed with bend-over-backwards customer service.

I hope that through Sensoryflex, we can make your life, and the lives of your loved ones better than you ever thought possible"

Creating lifelong positive change through excellence and innovation.

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