Therapy, Training & Support

for Sensory, Autism and ADHD Families.

Trust sensoryflex to support your family to thrive

Sensory Integration Therapy

Struggling with Sensory Issues?

We work with young people and their families to Assess for sensory processing challenges, Develop individualised home programmes, Provide individual or small group sensory therapy and Support you and schools to meet your child's sensory needs and improve wellbeing.

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Courses & Training

Want to develop your knowledge?

We provide courses and training for families, therapists, teachers and schools to develop their understanding of sensory processing issues and learn how they can radically improve the lives and outcomes of the young people they support and care for.

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Reflex Integration Therapy

Is your child struggling?

Behavioural challenges, Sleep difficulties, Anxiety, Delayed development, Missed Milestones, Attention and Movement problems can all be influenced by early Neurodevelopment. We help families resolve developmental challenges for lifelong improvement.

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Whether you’re a parent, carer, teacher, therapist, or any other kind of wonderful person...

We're here to take care of you



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Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

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Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


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Mum of child with severe learning disability and ADHD

I don't normally get much out of training sessions like this, but this course was excellent and I learnt loads of new things.


Family of Anxious Autistic Child

It was lovely to see how quickly you built a rapport with my son, and how his confidence built as the session went on. He was very happy and buzzy when he got home!

I’ve been meaning to get in touch to say thank you very much for the very detailed and personalised report and recommendations for my son.

It’s honestly one of the best reports I’ve seen, and I really appreciate your time in putting it together.


Parent of Autistic Child

Your support this far has been invaluable. 

I honestly don't think my daughter would be going into school if your support hadn't been in place.


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